本文共 15990 字,大约阅读时间需要 53 分钟。
1. 初始化model
2. 处理器执行后将modle中相应参数设置到SessionAttributes中
1. 初始化model
1.1 解析类上使用的sessionAttributres,将获取参数合并到mavContainer中
1.2 执行注解了@ModelAttribute的方法,并将结果同步到Model
参数名的生成规则:@ModelAttribute中定义的value > 方法的返回类型决定(直接往model.addAttribute的除外)
1.3 将注解@ModelAttribute方法参数(在@SessionAttributes定义范围内)同步到model中
2. 处理器执行后将modle中相应参数设置到SessionAttributes中
2.1 如果SessionStatus被调用了setComplete则清除sesssionAttributesHandler中缓存的数据
2.2 如果没清除,将model中的数据同步至sessionAttributesHandler中
2.3 如果handler还没处理完(是否需要渲染页面),绑定BindingResult到model(如果需要的话)
1. 初始化model
1 package org.springframework.web.method.annotation; 2 public final class ModelFactory { 3 public void initModel(NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, HandlerMethod handlerMethod) 4 throws Exception { 5 // 获取使用@SessionAttributes注解并已经解析的参数,合并到mavContainer 6 MapattributesInSession = this.sessionAttributesHandler.retrieveAttributes(request); 7 mavContainer.mergeAttributes(attributesInSession); 8 // 执行使用@ModelAttribute注解的方法,并将结果设置到mavContainer 9 invokeModelAttributeMethods(request, mavContainer);10 // 将同时使用@ModelAttribute和@SessionAttributes注解的参数设置到mavContainer11 for (String name : findSessionAttributeArguments(handlerMethod)) {12 if (!mavContainer.containsAttribute(name)) {13 Object value = this.sessionAttributesHandler.retrieveAttribute(request, name);14 if (value == null) {15 throw new HttpSessionRequiredException("Expected session attribute '" + name + "'");16 }17 mavContainer.addAttribute(name, value);18 }19 }20 }21 // ...22 }
1.1 解析类上使用的sessionAttributres,将获取参数合并到mavContainer中
1.2 执行注解了@ModelAttribute的方法,并将结果同步到Model
获取@ModelAttribute中的value属性值作为 model attribute,如果mavContainer中已经存在则退出
b,参数名的生成规则:@ModelAttribute中定义的value > 方法的返回类型决定
String -> string(这边就解释我之前没搞明白)
List<Double> -> doubleList
1 package org.springframework.web.method.annotation; 2 public final class ModelFactory { 3 private void invokeModelAttributeMethods(NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer) 4 throws Exception { 5 // 迭代使用@ModelAttribute注解的方法 6 for (InvocableHandlerMethod attrMethod : this.attributeMethods) { 7 // 使用@ModelAttribute的value值作为 attribute name 8 String modelName = attrMethod.getMethodAnnotation(ModelAttribute.class).value(); 9 if (mavContainer.containsAttribute(modelName)) {10 continue;11 }12 // 委托InvocableHandlerMethod调用方法,生成值13 Object returnValue = attrMethod.invokeForRequest(request, mavContainer);14 // 如果方法返回值,需要将这个值同步到mavContainer中15 if (!attrMethod.isVoid()){16 // 生成参数名:注解的value或者返回值类型17 String returnValueName = getNameForReturnValue(returnValue, attrMethod.getReturnType());18 if (!mavContainer.containsAttribute(returnValueName)) {19 mavContainer.addAttribute(returnValueName, returnValue);20 }21 }22 }23 }24 // ...25 }
看看InvocableHandlerMethod的invokeForRequest(NativeWebRequest request,ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer,Object... providedArgs)
1 package org.springframework.web.method.support; 2 public class InvocableHandlerMethod extends HandlerMethod { 3 public final Object invokeForRequest(NativeWebRequest request, 4 ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, 5 Object... providedArgs) throws Exception { 6 // 生成方法调用时的参数 7 Object[] args = getMethodArgumentValues(request, mavContainer, providedArgs); 8 // 霸气的调用 9 Object returnValue = invoke(args);10 11 return returnValue;12 }13 private Object[] getMethodArgumentValues(14 NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer,15 Object... providedArgs) throws Exception {16 // 获取参数,这边没有值17 MethodParameter[] parameters = getMethodParameters();18 Object[] args = new Object[parameters.length];19 for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {20 MethodParameter parameter = parameters[i];21 // 参数名称查找器,反射中拿不到参数名,所以使用spring的parameterNameDiscover22 parameter.initParameterNameDiscovery(parameterNameDiscoverer);23 // 获取参数的目标类型,methodParam.setParameterType(result);设置.这边具体的逻辑后面再细化24 GenericTypeResolver.resolveParameterType(parameter, getBean().getClass());25 // 尝试通过类型判断,获取参数的值26 args[i] = resolveProvidedArgument(parameter, providedArgs);27 if (args[i] != null) {28 continue;29 }30 // 使用HandlerMethodArgumentResolver,判断是否支持处理31 if (argumentResolvers.supportsParameter(parameter)) {32 try {33 // 这边直接处理,实际执行时,是通过责任链设计模式处理34 args[i] = argumentResolvers.resolveArgument(parameter, mavContainer, request, dataBinderFactory);35 continue;36 } catch (Exception ex) {37 throw ex;38 }39 }40 41 if (args[i] == null) {42 String msg = getArgumentResolutionErrorMessage("No suitable resolver for argument", i);43 throw new IllegalStateException(msg);44 }45 }46 return args;47 }48 private Object invoke(Object... args) throws Exception {49 // 解决权限的问题50 ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(this.getBridgedMethod());51 try {52 return getBridgedMethod().invoke(getBean(), args);53 }54 catch (IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetExceptione) {55 // 省略异常处理机制56 }57 }58 // ...59 }
1 package org.springframework.web.method.annotation; 2 public final class ModelFactory { 3 4 public static String getNameForReturnValue(Object returnValue, MethodParameter returnType) { 5 ModelAttribute annot = returnType.getMethodAnnotation(ModelAttribute.class); 6 if (annot != null && StringUtils.hasText(annot.value())) { // 注解中定义了value 7 return annot.value(); 8 } 9 else { // 根据类型生成10 Method method = returnType.getMethod();11 Class resolvedType = GenericTypeResolver.resolveReturnType(method, returnType.getDeclaringClass());12 return Conventions.getVariableNameForReturnType(method, resolvedType, returnValue);13 }14 }15 // ...16 }
1 package org.springframework.core; 2 public abstract class Conventions { 3 public static String getVariableNameForReturnType(Method method, Class resolvedType, Object value) { 4 // 如果signature定义为object,则根据value来判断 5 if (Object.class.equals(resolvedType)) { 6 if (value == null) { 7 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot generate variable name for an Object return type with null value"); 8 } 9 // 这边的处理逻辑跟下面的很类似,不展开.差别是一个根据value,一个根据resolvedType判断10 return getVariableName(value);11 }12 13 Class valueClass;14 // 是否是数组或集合15 boolean pluralize = false;16 17 if (resolvedType.isArray()) { // 数组,读取内部元素的类型18 valueClass = resolvedType.getComponentType();19 pluralize = true;20 }21 else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(resolvedType)) { // 集合22 // 集合内的元素类型23 valueClass = GenericCollectionTypeResolver.getCollectionReturnType(method);24 if (valueClass == null) {25 if (!(value instanceof Collection)) {// 跟value再校验一遍类型26 throw new IllegalArgumentException(27 "Cannot generate variable name for non-typed Collection return type and a non-Collection value");28 }29 Collection collection = (Collection) value;30 if (collection.isEmpty()) {31 throw new IllegalArgumentException(32 "Cannot generate variable name for non-typed Collection return type and an empty Collection value");33 }34 // 获取集合中的第一个value35 Object valueToCheck = peekAhead(collection);36 // 获取value的类系37 valueClass = getClassForValue(valueToCheck);38 }39 pluralize = true;40 }41 else {42 valueClass = resolvedType;43 }44 45 String name = ClassUtils.getShortNameAsProperty(valueClass);46 return (pluralize ? pluralize(name) : name);47 }48 // 获取集合中的第一个value49 private static Object peekAhead(Collection collection) {50 Iterator it = collection.iterator();51 if (!it.hasNext()) {52 throw new IllegalStateException(53 "Unable to peek ahead in non-empty collection - no element found");54 }55 Object value = it.next();56 if (value == null) {57 throw new IllegalStateException(58 "Unable to peek ahead in non-empty collection - only null element found");59 }60 return value;61 }62 private static Class getClassForValue(Object value) {63 Class valueClass = value.getClass();64 // 代理时根据接口获取,遍历时以第一个符合条件的为准65 if (Proxy.isProxyClass(valueClass)) {66 Class[] ifcs = valueClass.getInterfaces();67 for (Class ifc : ifcs) {68 if (!ignoredInterfaces.contains(ifc)) {69 return ifc;70 }71 }72 }73 else if (valueClass.getName().lastIndexOf('$') != -1 && valueClass.getDeclaringClass() == null) {74 // '$' in the class name but no inner class -75 // assuming it's a special subclass (e.g. by OpenJPA)76 valueClass = valueClass.getSuperclass();77 }78 return valueClass;79 }80 // 数组或结合统一添加后缀List81 private static String pluralize(String name) {82 //private static final String PLURAL_SUFFIX = "List";83 return name + PLURAL_SUFFIX;84 }85 86 }
1.3 将注解@ModelAttribute方法参数(在@SessionAttributes定义范围内)同步到model中
获取参数的名称:注解value值 > 参数类型
1 package org.springframework.web.method.annotation; 2 public final class ModelFactory { 3 // ... 4 public void initModel(NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, HandlerMethod handlerMethod) 5 throws Exception { 6 // ... 7 for (String name : findSessionAttributeArguments(handlerMethod)) { 8 if (!mavContainer.containsAttribute(name)) { 9 Object value = this.sessionAttributesHandler.retrieveAttribute(request, name);10 if (value == null) {11 throw new HttpSessionRequiredException("Expected session attribute '" + name + "'");12 }13 mavContainer.addAttribute(name, value);14 }15 }16 }17 private ListfindSessionAttributeArguments(HandlerMethod handlerMethod) {18 List result = new ArrayList ();19 // 这边找的是HandlerMethod的参数20 for (MethodParameter param : handlerMethod.getMethodParameters()) {21 if (param.hasParameterAnnotation(ModelAttribute.class)) {22 String name = getNameForParameter(param);23 if (this.sessionAttributesHandler.isHandlerSessionAttribute(name, param.getParameterType())) {24 result.add(name);25 }26 }27 }28 return result;29 }30 public static String getNameForParameter(MethodParameter parameter) {31 ModelAttribute annot = parameter.getParameterAnnotation(ModelAttribute.class);32 String attrName = (annot != null) ? annot.value() : null;33 // 如果value为空,获取参数类型解析属性名称34 return StringUtils.hasText(attrName) ? attrName : Conventions.getVariableNameForParameter(parameter);35 }36 }
2. 处理器执行后将modle中相应参数设置到SessionAttributes中
2.1 如果SessionStatus被调用了setComplete则清除sesssionAttributesHandler中缓存的数据
2.2 如果没清除,将model中的数据同步至sessionAttributesHandler中
2.3 如果handler还没处理完(是否需要渲染页面),绑定BindingResult到model(如果需要的话)
c, 不是null,数组,集合,map,简单数据类型
1 package org.springframework.web.method.annotation; 2 public final class ModelFactory { 3 // ... 4 public void updateModel(NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer) throws Exception { 5 if (mavContainer.getSessionStatus().isComplete()){ // 清除 6 this.sessionAttributesHandler.cleanupAttributes(request); 7 } 8 else { // 不清除,那么就需要同步 9 this.sessionAttributesHandler.storeAttributes(request, mavContainer.getModel());10 }11 12 if (!mavContainer.isRequestHandled()) {13 updateBindingResult(request, mavContainer.getModel());14 }15 }16 17 private void updateBindingResult(NativeWebRequest request, ModelMap model) throws Exception {18 ListkeyNames = new ArrayList (model.keySet());19 for (String name : keyNames) {20 Object value = model.get(name);21 // 核对是否需要绑定BindingResult到model22 if (isBindingCandidate(name, value)) {23 String bindingResultKey = BindingResult.MODEL_KEY_PREFIX + name;24 25 if (!model.containsAttribute(bindingResultKey)) { // 不是其他参数绑定的结果26 WebDataBinder dataBinder = binderFactory.createBinder(request, value, name);27 model.put(bindingResultKey, dataBinder.getBindingResult());28 }29 }30 }31 }32 33 private boolean isBindingCandidate(String attributeName, Object value) {34 // 不是其他参数绑定的结果35 if (attributeName.startsWith(BindingResult.MODEL_KEY_PREFIX)) {36 return false;37 }38 // 是否在@SessionAttributes注解定义中39 Class attrType = (value != null) ? value.getClass() : null;40 if (this.sessionAttributesHandler.isHandlerSessionAttribute(attributeName, attrType)) {41 return true;42 }43 // 不是null,数组,集合,map,简单数据类型,则调用44 return (value != null && !value.getClass().isArray() && !(value instanceof Collection) &&45 !(value instanceof Map) && !BeanUtils.isSimpleValueType(value.getClass()));46 }47 }